Yuli menggunakan tubuh dan tangannya sebagai alat rekam dengan matahari sebagai sumber cahaya. Objek yang direkamnya semata alat bantu, sebab, sesungguhnya ia sedang merekam saat—bisa juga disebut ‘momen’.
Tag: Grace Samboh
‘A space for a temporary stop on a journey of memory around listening and being listened to. It is like a space that shares its corners for the circulation of air, sound, and voice. Sounds are organised for listening and being listened to as part of everyday life. A kind of harmonising space between the moving and the still.
Daily life is used as a way to understand a world full of intersections. Each intersection produces sound, sound is recognised until it becomes voice.’
-Julian Abraham ‘Togar’
Amongst reeds, evanesces, shines…
“All senses, including vision, are extensions of the tactile sense; the senses are specialisations of skin tissue, and all sensory experiences are modes of touching and thus related to tactility. Touch is sensory mode that integrates our experience of the world with that ourselves.” – Juhani Pallasma, 2008
Menangkap gelagat
Menangkap apa-apa, dimana-mana, dan sebagaimana adanya
Why dream? What’s the point of morning? Why do we have to sleep? Why do children have to be wooed to sleep in a melodious tone? How long should we sleep? Where do we sleep? Who do we sleep with? Is this allure to sleep a metaphor? For what, for whom?
Sum, absence, and the shades
Only by realizing, acknowledging and respecting the differences of these races and accepting that racism does exist, can we start to build an inclusive society that protects differences -Bibiana Lee
Gaze, Grace, Grief
Bercakap di antara, di sekitar, dan bersama gegambaran Cecil Mariani
“essentially, painting is an act of measuring its field.”
– kokok p. sancoko, 2023
To make something special, you just have to believe it’s special” — Tuan Ping (Kung Fu Panda, 2008)
Hyphen —
Pada 2011, Ratna Mufida, Pitra Hutomo, dan Grace Samboh menggagas Hyphen — sebagai ruang percakapan yang berkesinambungan mengenai masa lalu … More