“essentially, painting is an act of measuring its field.”
– kokok p. sancoko, 2023
Category: solo exhibition
To make something special, you just have to believe it’s special” — Tuan Ping (Kung Fu Panda, 2008)
The Big Spill by Ella Wijt
In creating The Big Spill, it was of the utmost importance to Ella that this installation reflect her most honest capacity of ability and limitation at this time in her life. She created these works with a natural curiosity, a problem solving sense of “how?”, while allowing the “why?” to arise slowly from within, expanding in its own way and time.
Sleazy Environmentalism by Ardi Gunawan
Sleazy Environmentalism” presents Ardi Gunawan’s latest works, which explore environmental tropes through the lens of perversion and the grotesque.
Ketika bulan terbelah oleh Radhinal Indra
Setiap tahun, masyarakat Indonesia disajikan aneka ragam tontonan edukatif seputar penentuan awal mula Bulan Ramadhan. Perbedaan (dan perdebatan) yang umumnya muncul ke hadapan publik terjadi diantara dua organisasi Islam terbesar di Indonesia; Nahdatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah. Radhinal Indra hendak menelusuri perbedaan pemikiran terhadap hilal (bulan sabit) yang berdampak pada pola kehidupan masyarakat di Indonesia.
PRIMITIVE MORNINGS by Filippo Sciascia
Art and science have long coexisted, and are both essential in the way we understand and examine our world around us. In contemporary times both forces have converged, where creativity is crucial in understanding our scientific legacy using an artistic lens. Filippo Sciascia’s works are an enquiry into the relationship between art and science.
DECEMBER oleh Bunga Yuridespita
Bunga Yuridespita mencoba merenungkan identitas dirinya dengan menggunakan strategi representasi diri. Diri kemudian Ia representasikan dengan abstraksi dari ruang-ruang yang berkesan dalam memori pribadinya.
MON-FRI oleh Meliantha Muliawan
Amidst the mundane routines of life, the mind and body will always resist. The body will stop to sit and sleep. The mind will look for other realities through the making of fiction. In this exhibition, the work of Meliantha Muliawan is an attempt to recreate how fiction emerges to resist the predictability of life routines.
NIRKIAS oleh M. Irfan
This exhibition brings you Irfan’s new body of works. He pushed himself to go beyond image-making and into experience-generating. Not that he exiled from his meticulous and highly calculated image production, but, this time his images actually needed us to be a part of it. Irfan’s installative works calls for us, humans, to coexist around them in order to be complete, to be concrete.
MELINTAS BUNYI oleh Julian Abraham “Togar”
Togar tracks the time to explore various kinds of art practices that have been experimenting on sound matters around us. Two decades after our independence, when the New Order began to reign in power, concretism brought together the realm of music, visual arts and literature. This exhibition presents Togar’s search in form of artworks along with his intention to acknowledge all the artists that he had met while roaming this sound tracking.