BARU, BARU., a group exhibition with works dating from 1981-2023 that were made by way of a long and meandering search, entanglements between ones’ curiosities and concerns, and questions about the possibilities and reach of art, artworks, and the role of art workers as citizens, as part of societies, and within humanity. BARU, BARU. is also haunted by questions of class, political insight, the systematic numbing of intellectuals, and a list of other anxieties that is carried the condemnation: ‘History repeats itself. First as tragedy, then as farce.’

BARU, BARU. will also be showing in other cities. Please wait for our updates!


Ada habitus yang menentukan ciri karya seniman itu, misalnya, medium yang spesifik, corak warna yang khas, pokok perupaan yang mempribadi… banyak lagi. Ada pula kebiasaan yang mengendap di wilayah abstrak, seperti bagaimana seniman merumus kerangka berpikir, menutur cerita, atau melontar tanya. Kebiasaan mereka inilah yang membuat kita, sebagai seorang penyimak, penggemar, atau barangkali rekan dan teman karib seniman itu, dapat mengatakan dengan percaya diri, “Aku mengenal karya-karyanya.” Atau, boleh jadi kita senantiasa terpukau oleh daya jelajah mereka yang tak terduga—karena kegemaran menjelajah pun dapat menjadi sebuah kebiasaan. Seniman membentuk habitus, dan habitus membentuk kembali seniman.

Alam Asali, Alam Khayali Round and Round and we go

RUBANAH Underground Hub berharap untuk tidak selamanya berada di bawah tanah. Sesekali, RUBANAH menjadi puan rumah untuk kegiatan OFFSIDE (bukan di situs RUBANAH). Bekerja sama dengan Kedai Kebun Forum, “Alam Asali, Alam Khayali” adalah program OFFSIDE pertama kami.

Bongkar gudang #2: HOODS, ROOTS, AND WHATNOT

Here, in Bongkar Gudang #2 Hoods, roots, and whatnot, we chose works that carry with them possibilities
of reducing distance. Works whose forms and ideas allow us to reflect upon the thought that no matter
where we are on the face of this earth, we are connected to one another.


In order to disrupt dominant power relations acclaimed by the global west and nation-state view, these artists offer an optional artistic approach that has been imagined and articulated in their work. This attempt reflects and embodies ways of perceiving and sensing the surrounding to dismantling system under the dominant discussion of history, gender, representation, sovereignty and ethnography.