Evelyn Pritt (b. Jakarta, 1978) is a photographer who actively pursues personal projects on nature. Among her previous series are … More
Author: rubanahundergroundhub
John Navid
John Navid (b. Binjai, 1981) is a drummer, percussionist and photographer. Subsequent to completing his Bachelor’s degree from the Department … More
Amongst reeds, evanesces, shines…
“All senses, including vision, are extensions of the tactile sense; the senses are specialisations of skin tissue, and all sensory experiences are modes of touching and thus related to tactility. Touch is sensory mode that integrates our experience of the world with that ourselves.” – Juhani Pallasma, 2008
Menangkap gelagat
Menangkap apa-apa, dimana-mana, dan sebagaimana adanya
‘Kerning’ adalah bentuk apresiasi terhadap negative space, yang dikaitkan Galih dengan latar semesta domestik dan praktik kerja ingatan. Karya-karya dalam pameran ini dikonstruksi dengan meminjam kenangan dari berbagai sumber tanpa mencari tahu konten atau konteks dari citraan tersebut karena pertanyaan yang disematkan Galih bukanlah “Itu ingatan tentang apa?” tetapi “Apa itu ingatan?”
Melintas Arus
RUBANAH Underground Hub wishes to not remain underground forever. Occasionally, RUBANAH hosts programs in OFFSIDE places. In collaboration with Creativite, “Melintas Arus” is our second OFFSIDE program.
Melintas Arus
by Alif Ibrahim ❦ Rain has finally fallen in Jakarta this past month, alleviating the drought that has stricken the … More
Kejatuhan dan Hati
“Merah ini bukan sadja merah warna revolusi jang sekarang sudah tidak tahu merahnja lagi, bukan pula merah darah pembunuhan, tapi djuga merah tjinta.” — Kedjatuhan dan Hati, 1950
R.E. Hartanto
R.E. Hartanto (Tanto), (b. Bandung, 1973) received formal training in Fine Arts from the Painting Studio, Faculty of Fine Arts … More
Jabbar Muhammad
Jabbar Muhammad (b. Bandung, 1986) completed his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Fine Arts (2008, 2012) from the Institute of … More