Tisna Sanjaya (b. 1958, Bandung) critiques the social-political conditions around him through his etchings. A graduated of Graphic Design at … More
Author: rubanahundergroundhub
Nadiah Bamadhaj
Nadiah Bamadhaj (b. 1968, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia) resides permanently in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Trained as a sculptor in New Zealand at … More
Bakudapan Food Study Group
BAKUDAPAN is study group that discuss ideas on food, where food can be an instrument to speak about broader issues, … More
Loranita Theo
Loranita Theo (b. 1970, Medan) studied at Trisakti majoring in Design and Fine Arts at ITB, now lives in Jatiwangi, … More
Köken Ergun
Köken Ergun (b. 1976, Istanbul) is an artist/filmmaker from Turkey with a background in performing arts. His films often deal … More
Agus Suwage
Agus Suwage’s (b. 1959, Purworejo) artistic exploration departs from the photographic image, both found photographs from the mass media and … More
Arahmaiani (b. 1961, Bandung) stands as one of Indonesia’s most influential contemporary artists, internationally acknowledged for her impactful and thought-provoking … More
BARU, BARU., a group exhibition with works dating from 1981-2023 that were made by way of a long and meandering search, entanglements between ones’ curiosities and concerns, and questions about the possibilities and reach of art, artworks, and the role of art workers as citizens, as part of societies, and within humanity. BARU, BARU. is also haunted by questions of class, political insight, the systematic numbing of intellectuals, and a list of other anxieties that is carried the condemnation: ‘History repeats itself. First as tragedy, then as farce.’
BARU, BARU. will also be showing in other cities. Please wait for our updates!
Jeroen Tan Markaban
Jeroen Tan Markaban lahir di Semarang pada 30 Mei 1954. Ia belajar di jurusan Arsitektur, Institut Teknik Katolik (kini Universitas … More
Bambang Bujono
Bambang Bujono lahir di Solo, 15 April 1947. Ia belajar melukis di komunitas Lingkaran Seni Muslim, Surakarta, di bawah bimbingan … More