NIRKIAS oleh M. Irfan

This exhibition brings you Irfan’s new body of works. He pushed himself to go beyond image-making and into experience-generating. Not that he exiled from his meticulous and highly calculated image production, but, this time his images actually needed us to be a part of it. Irfan’s installative works calls for us, humans, to coexist around them in order to be complete, to be concrete.

MELINTAS BUNYI oleh Julian Abraham “Togar”

Togar tracks the time to explore various kinds of art practices that have been experimenting on sound matters around us. Two decades after our independence, when the New Order began to reign in power, concretism brought together the realm of music, visual arts and literature. This exhibition presents Togar’s search in form of artworks along with his intention to acknowledge all the artists that he had met while roaming this sound tracking.


The exhibition explores nine different collections with two initial question: How artists perform a range of ideas, concepts and forms of bodies through their works; and how bodies are performed in the works. We question how these bodies (be it themselves, particular individuals, or fictional figures) appear, exist, represented, imagined, and engaged within these particular works.

Doni Ahmad

(English version not yet available.) Dwihandono (Doni) Ahmad, l. 1989, lulus dari FSRD ITB pada tahun 2012. Pada 2014-2016 aktif … More


(English version not yet available.) R. Mochammad Angga Wedhaswhara Lahir di Bandung, 15 Januari 1983. Menyelesaikan pendidikan tinggi dari Fakultas … More

SAYA MUSLIM oleh Anggawedhaswara

The complexity of Muslim life in Indonesia is now twisting due to the increase in Muslim’s political activity and various issues that are hardened by social media. This complexity, in a way, also affects the lives of artists and their works. Today’s socio-political dynamics encourage artists to no longer focus on issues of beauty and aesthetics. With that understanding, in what direction the discourse on the discussion of Islamic art can be discussed?