Gaze, Grace, Grief

24 June – 15 July 2023

From Popie’s to Levant

The texts we used to send each other, every
morning, the moments we just woke up:

[Q] Wes tangi? (You awake?)
[A] Uwes (Yes)
[Q] Sarapan yuk? (Breakfast?)
[A] – Ok, tak salin sek (Let me change)

  • Ok, aku mudun (I’m coming down)

Then we would walk into this small nice
breakfast café, in our neighborhood, at Cikini
V, under the commuter line railway. A waffle, or
a pancake, and an omelet for two. A cup of
white coffee for me and a cup of tea for her.
Some cigarettes.

These conversations still happen, despite the
lesser intensity, the different breakfast places,
the different menus. We have arrived at: Two
black coffees, one sdoodalad Chevre Chaud,
Shasouka, some bread. And, no more

From Central to South! Brekky-time with Cecil
is always special.

Jakarta, Juni 2023
Ening Nurjanah


Gaze, Grace, Grief
Pameran tunggal oleh/Solo exhibition of Cecil Mariani
Dengan kurator/Curated by Akmalia Rizqita “Chita” and Grace Samboh
24 Juni – 15 Juli 2023

Klik di sini untuk mengunduh teks kuratorial dalam Bahasa Indonesia/Click here to download the curatorial text in English

