25 August – 1 October 2022
“Run the gamut” is a group exhibition that teases our senses, beginning with the sight, extending to hearing, with a hint at tactility. The works in this exhibition prod us to rethink simple realities that most of us think we’d know by now. Can two people sitting on a table, signing what seems to be a piece of paper, really change the world’s climate problems? Should a person’s identity be represented by small mundane objects that they carry or wear? Could one reduce yet amplify things at once? Are you seeing what you are seeing? Or, are you seeing what you want to be seeing?
Ardi Gunawan • Bibiana Lee • Julian Abraham “Togar” • M. Irfan • Meliantha Muliawan • Paul Kadarisman • Suparyanto Bofag • Tamarra • Yusra Martunus
Exhibition duration:
25 AUGUST – 1 OCTOBER 2022
Supported by
.this/PLAY Studio
Run the gamut
Klik di sini untuk mengakses panduan pameran /Click here to access the exhibition guide
Pameran kelompok/Group exhibition
25 Agustus -1 Oktober 2022
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh teks kuratorial dalam Bahasa Inggris/Click here to download curatorial text in English
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh kartu pos/Click here to download postcard