14 May—4 June 2022
A project by Dương Mạnh Hùng, Hani Ristiawan, Trần Công Trọng, and Indonesian Society of Botanical Artists
The exhibition title consists of three languages, beginning with a casually-awkward series of conversations about a type of plant that often adorns the corners of the eye when walking in the middle of a metropolitan city, or in the wild, which is lantana camara. The collaboration between Hùng, Hani, Trọng, and the Indonesian Society of Botanical Painters (IDSBA), have resulted in an exhibition of 36 botanical paintings, with a variety of agency and subjectivity, a journal and a short story.

Pengembara Molek | Cỏ Cắc Cớ | ꦏꦼꦝꦪꦺꦴꦃꦲꦤ꧀ꦠꦩꦸꦮꦒꦸ
Pameran kelompok/Group exhibition
14 May – 4 June 2022
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh teks kuratorial dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia/Click here to download curatorial text in Bahasa Indonesia and English
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh cerpen karya Dương Mạnh Hùng dalam Bahasa Indonesia/Click here to download short story by Dương Mạnh Hùng in English