Cinanti Astria Johansjah (KENI)

Cinanti Astria Johansjah (KENI) uses art as a medium to study, rethink and order fragments of life. Keni, as they are known, graduated from the Graphic Design School of the Bandung Institute of Technology, often includes portraits of themself as a human accompanied by various animals. They uses their work to question and mix various human attitudes and values with those of animal.

Their works have been exhibited in, amongst others, Valentine Willie Fine Arts, Kuala Lumpur; Lawangwangi Creative Space, Bandung; Mizuma Gallery, Singapore; ROH Projects, Jakarta; Selasar Sunaryo Art Space, Bandung; Galeri Nasional Indonesia; Biennale Jogja – Equator Series; Ace House Collective, Yogyakarta.


KENI’s solo exhibition in RUBANAH